Hur många år måste förflyta innan massmördare kan omdefinieras till folkhjältar?

Detta kan nog bero på i vilken kontext morden begåtts och vem som skriver historien. För oss här i Sverige kan vi dock konstatera att våra egna berömda massmördare, Vikingarna, passerat denna magiska gräns för många år sedan. Vikingarna, som när det begav sig för drygt 1000 år sedan, mördade och massakrerade försvarslösa män, kvinnor […]

Graffiti study – Summary (initial)

Translated part 1 Summary In the latter half of the 1960s, a new youth phenomenon emerged on the East Coast of North America. Young people began to illegally paint images in the public environment, images whose motive were ornamented, and often difficult to interpret, letter that constituted pseudonyms for the authors. The tools used were […]

My new project

During the late 1990s I was a PhD student at Stockholm University and studied youth crime. I interrupted my studies in the early 2000s but resumed them a few years later and completed a part of the PhD with an essay (2006), one of the parts of my thesis project, dealing with graffiti. This and […]