Crime, immigration, and gender
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2016) Discussions about racial and crime are as usual under discussion. There is no doubt that immigrants are generally over-represented in crime statistics. This can be explained in different ways, for example that people from some cultures are more likely to commit crimes or in terms of different genetic […]
The Child Anders Behring Breivik
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2016) The mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik (he murdered 77 and injured 315 people, most of them children and young people, in and outside Oslo in Norway 2011) had a personality disorder as a child has been known before. But in connection with a trial between the mass murderer […]
Stop complaining!
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2016) Complaining about things in life, without trying to do anything about it, is a waste of time and energy – either you should try to change what irritates you or accept the order of things. Things that cannot be influenced, such as the weather or the global economy, […]
What do we think about when nothing happens?
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2015) What goes on in the minds of all those people I meet rushing towards the street or sitting on the subway looking out through the window at the darkness in the tunnel? All I know is that there’s a lot going on there, our brains are always working. […]
Altruistiska politiker
Jag beundrar politiker som handla utan tanke på egen personlig vinning. Politiker med integritet. En politiker som helt otippat uppvisar en sådan styrka är den moderate partiledaren Ulf Kristersson. Att liera sig med ett parti som helt klart vill skicka ut hans adoptivbarn ur Sverige så snart det är möjligt eftersom dessa, enligt deras sätt […]
Value and self-deception
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2018) I often think about the meaning of what I do. Most of what I’ve done in my life seems pointless and a waste of time. In the moment it’s easy to get carried away and see something big and important, but with a little perspective I haven’t changed […]
We, egocentric humans
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2018) I am aware of several actions in my life that I would particularly like undone. It’s usually what I’ve said and that I think has hurt others. In addition to these actions, I have of course also said and done countless other stupid things in my life and […]
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2018) Loneliness is experienced differently by us humans and basically, we are all existentially alone. Some people depend on constantly having others around them to try to counteract this loneliness through an external affirmation. If they do not receive the recognition and confirmation of others, they experience a bottomless […]