The symbolic importance of the tie
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2017) The tie is a very odd male accessory without any practical or actual function. It doesn’t warm us or cover our bodies. Most men just wear it to feel important, dressed up or to conform to their surroundings, and many men express that they feel “naked” without their […]
Who was Maria?
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2018) Christmas is important to me. The Christmas holidays, just like the holidays, are something to look forward to during the darker autumn months. And after Christmas we move towards the light. But also that we have something to gather around, something for all of us in common. It […]
Coffee and other drugs
Written by a heavy coffee addicted person. (Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2014) Two hundred years ago, it was no big thing to be drunk at work. It was even sanctioned by the employer and sometimes the workers received part of their salary in spirits, sometimes during working hours. At that time, spirits were […]
Crime novels, opium for the people?
I wrote this post in 2015. Today, the same reasoning can be used for our today huge consumption of series on Netflix and other subscription streaming services, something that then not was as huge as it is today. (Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2015) In the Western world, reading of crime novels has […]
About smoking and it´s consequences
I wrote this post in 2014 regarding smoking and find it relevant to today’s discussion about mortality in Covid-14. We accept smoking even though this generates a mortality rate that is on par with the death rates because of Covid-14, every year. In added, a very large proportion of our healthcare is spent on treating […]
Wine, taste, and price
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2017) Read the other day in some Swedish newspaper (2017-08-18) about a new study that shows that the taste of wine itself means less for how we experience the drink than our idea of what it costs. The more expensive we think the wine is, the better we think […]
Sverigedemokraterna, Art and Democracy
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2014) Margareta Larsson, member of the Swedish Parliament for the party Sverigedemokraterna, expressed yesterday (17 June 2014) in a parliamentary debate that artists who paint female genitalia in schools should be punished with prison sentences. According to Larsson should the artists be convicted for sexual molestation of a minor. […]
Zara Larsson’s Braces
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2017) Zara Larsson is one of Sweden’s greatest artists now, both nationally and internationally. This brings bad blood to many, and she suffers criticism for almost everything she says and does. This young woman was now criticized for her acceptance speech when she received an award at the Grammy […]