Dagny Carlsson, an inspiring life

Dagny Carlsson have now died at an age of 109 years, and she did not allow the last years to be the worst years of her life but made them perhaps to the best. The last 10 years seem to have been characterized by both joy and curiosity. Perhaps she came to the realization that […]

James Webbs discoverys

On Christmas Day last year (2021), I sat in front of my computer and watched the Ariane-5 rocket lift the new space telescope, James Webb, up into the sky. My biggest concern at the time was that something would happen to the rocket that would destroy this, perhaps the most exciting, journey for humanity. But […]

This is the End

There cannot be a meaning of life, there cannot be a goal in existence, there cannot be a purpose to the world. No fantasy or dream can create a meaning, a goal, or a purpose, but we never stop searching because the search keeps us alive.  How can anyone see meaning in atrocities and wars, […]

Kevin Coyne

(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2015) It’s been 10 years since Kevin Coyne’s voice fell silent. He died on December 2 2004. For those of you who don’t know him, he was above all a English musician and composer with a fantastic singing voice, but also a good writer, painter and filmmaker. In everything […]

Graffiti study 1.1 (part 2:2)

Opinions on how graffiti should be valued and assessed differ diametrically depending on who you are talking to. The practitioners themselves often consider it to be artistic activities, while others see painting as vandalism and a serious social problem. From a social constructivist perspective, a cultural relativist approach follows, that is, that the artistic value […]

Graffiti study 1.1 (part 1:2)

This is the first part om the introduction of my theses about graffiti from 2006 (translated into English).  1.1 Purpose and perspective (part 1:2) The phenomenon of graffiti is a social problem that every year causes great costs. The main purpose of this study is to try to identify the basic mechanisms underlying young people’s […]

En gosse på tre

En liten gosse på trekommer jag alltid vara,som en dröm om livet och vad detta kan bli,alltid kommer spara. En dröm om lycka och värme,om någon som mig evig kärlek gav.Någon som bär mig genom tiden ochtill slut lägga ner mig i sin grav. Men vakna upp!Du är inte tre!Låt dem som är barnistället vara […]

Hur många år måste förflyta innan massmördare kan omdefinieras till folkhjältar?

Detta kan nog bero på i vilken kontext morden begåtts och vem som skriver historien. För oss här i Sverige kan vi dock konstatera att våra egna berömda massmördare, Vikingarna, passerat denna magiska gräns för många år sedan. Vikingarna, som när det begav sig för drygt 1000 år sedan, mördade och massakrerade försvarslösa män, kvinnor […]