Graffiti study – Summary (initial)

Translated part 1 Summary In the latter half of the 1960s, a new youth phenomenon emerged on the East Coast of North America. Young people began to illegally paint images in the public environment, images whose motive were ornamented, and often difficult to interpret, letter that constituted pseudonyms for the authors. The tools used were […]

My new project

During the late 1990s I was a PhD student at Stockholm University and studied youth crime. I interrupted my studies in the early 2000s but resumed them a few years later and completed a part of the PhD with an essay (2006), one of the parts of my thesis project, dealing with graffiti. This and […]

Trafic jam

(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2015) I sat this morning in my car in a slow-moving cue on my way to work and thought about how extremely many people who, one way or another, is traveling on our road networks every day. We go to and from work, the store, leisure activities and so […]

Barney Stinson

(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2015) No one who has seen the TV sitcom “How I Met Your Mothet” can be unaffected by the character Barney Stinson and his view of women. His goal in life is to have sex with as many women as possible and he uses all sorts of unsympathetic and […]

Hjältar och hjältar

Den mest hjältemodiga bragder jag hört talas om är när Emma Schols 2019 räddade sina barn ur sitt brinnande hus. Att trotsa den outhärdliga smärta hon måste känt när hon gick tillbaka in i huset för att rädda sina barn och att inte ge upp trots att hon måste ha utgått ifrån att hon skulle […]

Om Lars Borgnäs bok “Olof Palmes sista steg”. Del 2

Ibland tar det ett tag tills polletten trillar ner. Jag har ända sedan jag läste Borgnäs bok haft svårt att förstå hur en etablerad och i vanliga fall duktig journalist tillåter sig att släppa en så undermålig bok. Resonemangen han för i boken hänger inte ihop och slutsatserna är ologiska.  Borgnäs snöar även in på […]

Om Lars Borgnäs bok “Olof Palmes sista steg”

Under några dagar har jag ägnat mig åt att läsa Lars Borgnäs senaste bok om mordet på Olof Palme, ”Olof Palmes sista steg”. Borgnäs arbetade under många år som journalist vid Sveriges television och har genom åren gjort många reportage och granskningar kring detta mord. Som journalist har jag alltid uppfattat honom som ambitiös, seriös […]

Response to a question about my blog

This is some answer to questions a got from Yolanda. I try to stick to some rules in my writing on this blog that I now here are trying to formulate in text:   I always try to formulate my own ideas. However, I am aware that the foundations of my thoughts and ideas rarely are […]