(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2018)
I am aware of several actions in my life that I would particularly like undone. It’s usually what I’ve said and that I think has hurt others. In addition to these actions, I have of course also said and done countless other stupid things in my life and certainly countless of things I don’t remember or that I did not perceive to be hurtful, but which perceived as hurtful by a counterpart.
But perhaps this is partly about a slight hubris and overconfidence in my own importance? If others attach importance to, and react to, what I say and do, both the negative and the positive, means that I am a significant person to them. My anxiety then becomes more of a desire for attention and recognition from others. The opposite, that no one paid attention to or cared about what I said or done, then becomes something much worse.
But so is unfortunately actually the case. No one is as important to anyone else as he is to himself. We are all so focused on ourselves, what we say, what we do and how we think others see us, that we not really see other people. Moreover, the idea of how other people react stems from how we ourselves would react to what we said or done. It has quite a little to do with other people’s reactions. We see and judge ourselves thru other people. We are all egocentric and can’t be any other way.