Me, the church and religion
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2016) In recent years, I have frequently attended church. Both the churchservices and concerts. This is because I have two children who singin church choirs. Sometimes is also one of the children involved asmusician on services. The last six months beat all records. But Iactually think it’s quite relaxing […]
…and time just goes by
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2016) Timepasses and now it’s almost a new year. The biological clock isticking up another notch. What to find on the time left before theclock stops for good? The irrevocable end draws for me and foreveryone else. What do I want? Have no idea. Actually, I wouldprobably like to […]
About populism
(Previously in Swedich on this webbsite 2016) Ithink the use of the term populism in politics is interesting andhighlights something important. The term has become synonymous withstupidity and foolishness. Looking instead at the definitions of theterm means something else. A definition, Wikipedia, describespopulism as a “political movement that appeals to people andcommon sense as well […]
The mystery of alcohol
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2016) Intoxicate yourself with alcohol means voluntarily putting yourself in a state of madness. You become “dumber” and also incredibly ego-obsessed and egocentric, only abel to see your own narrow and distorted perspective of existence. You stop listening and caring for others and try to indculate your surroundings with […]
A theory about the murder of the former Swedish primeminister Olof Palme 1986
(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite) In the spring of 2018, the media described that Olof Palme’s murder had been solved! The solution was published in the journal Filter. I went for this and took an online subscription to the magazine and sat down to read. However, my disappointment was immense, the new information that […]
Socialdemokraterna byter partiordförande
Efter nästan tio år på posten som Socialdemokraternas partiordförande och som statsminister i sju år avgår nu Stefan Löfven från dessa båda poster. Media har fyllt med inlägg om vad han lyckats uträtta under dessa år, om han varit en bra statsminister och om huruvida han varit en god Socialdemokrat. De mer positiva åsikterna har […]
Min teori om Palmemordet
Bakgrund Våren 2018 beskrevs det i media att mordet på Olof Palme var löst! Lösningen fanns publicerad i tidskriften Filter. Jag gick på detta och tog en onlineprenumeration på tidningen och satt mig att läsa. Min besvikelse blev dock oerhörd, de nya uppgifter som man menade var de sista pusselbitarna som gjorde lösningen komplett var […]
Hej igen!
Efter att ha varit upptagen med annat under det senaste året och därför inte haft tid att skriva på denna blogg ska jag nu åter börja kåsera och reflektera över samhället, vår samtid och annat jag finner intressant och spännande och publicera detta här på mitt eget forum. Jag vill även passa på att tacka […]