My time

(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2018) It should be forbidden to be bored, that is, to define one’s spent time as boring and wasted. Time is our gold that slowly flows out between our fingers and cannot be held. Time is something incomprehensible and something sad because it becomes irrevocably consumed and can never […]

Human’s equal rights in practice

(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2017) Most people in Sweden, and all political parties in the Swedish government, describe themselves as supporting all humans’ equal rights. No human on earth is considered worth more or less than anyone else. But this is mostly empty words. For starters, most people think that their own lives […]

The murder of Olof Palme, Krister Petersson and the Swedish official

(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2020) My view of Sweden as a legally secure and non-corrupt society is based on my faith in the Swedish official as a safe and reliable bureaucrat. An official who has nothing to gain from pursuing short-term popularity among citizens. This is, as I see it, a fantastic model, […]

The importance of a positive view of life

I belive we all should feel better if we try to see the positive in life, even when life consists of adversity and trouble. I do not mean that we should all go around missionaryizing the messages of joy and love, those who missionaryizing are often both self-absorbed and unhappy. To see positive, even in […]

Waiting for the life to begin

(Previously in Swedish on this webbsite 2014) The older I get; the more important cemeteries have become to me. I was recently at one and visited a close relative’s gravesite. Ideally, I want to walk around the graves, alone, and think about life and death. All my little everyday worries are diminished when I realize […]

Three articles on the climate issue

The major climate summit in Glasgow has ended today (November 2021). As expected, the result was very weak. The conditions for politicians to be able to implement the measures that would need to be taken do not exist because there is no genuine will on the part of us citizens to make the sacrifices that […]

About animal right activism

This text was written as a part of a debate in 2001 when animal rights activists were at their worst, threatening individual breeders and fur retailers as well as sabotaging for the breeders by releasing their animals. The text is available in Swedish on my website. The translation into English is new. ———– Animal rights […]

Mark Selby winning UK Championship 2016

Mark Selby really go from strength to strength in myeyes. After winning the International Championship in October he wenton and won the UK Championship (2016), one of the three big tournamentsduring the year, in a very convincing way. He won over RonnieO’Sullivan in the final with 10-7 without having been directlythreatened, although Ronnie at the […]